Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jesus is the Ultimate Passover Lamb

This Friday will begin the Passover celebration. I often like to look at the foundation of long standing events and today we will look at the Passover celebration. In the Old Testament book of Exodus we find the very first Passover event/celebration. Moses gave the detailed directions for how Passover will be celebrated and remembered to the children of Israel. The reason Christians celebrate Resurrection Sunday close to the dates of Passover is not a coincidence. Jesus was crucified on the Friday of passover week and He rose from the dead on the first day of the week. That is the reason Christians meet to worship on the first day of the week and the reason Easter is celebrated on Sundays. These celebrations coincide because Jesus fulfills what the first Passover lamb could not do. The first Passover was a type and shadow of what would ultimately be completed in the person and work of Jesus on the cross. There are several parallels between Jesus and the first Passover lamb but we will just look at four in this blog.
4 Reasons Jesus is the Ultimate Passover Lamb

1.    Jesus is our Passover lamb because He was perfect.
The Passover lamb was to be chosen because it was without blemish. It was to be a perfect sacrifice. Jesus was perfect. He never sinned in any way and He died as a perfect sacrifice.  

2.    Jesus is our Passover lamb because He wants to be close to us.
The Passover lamb was to be chosen and then spend 5 days with it's family before it's sacrifice. Jesus desires to spend time with us, get to know us and for us to get to know Him.
3.    Jesus is our Passover lamb because He gave His blood for us.
The obvious requirement for a Passover lamb is the shedding of it's blood. Jesus died for the purpose of shedding His blood for us.

4.    Jesus is our Passover lamb because His blood must cover us or we will die.
  The blood of the Passover lamb was to be spread on the doorposts of a house and in that way the occupants of the house would be saved from the coming death. All people will die a physical death but the Bible speaks about a second death. The second death is a spiritual death and it is a death of complete and permanent separation from God and all that is good. The acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice and shed blood covers us from that second death. The second death "Passes Over" those who are covered by Jesus.

The first Passover celebration pointed toward the ultimate                                Passover which was completed by Jesus on the Cross!