5 Common Rejections of Jesus
1. Jesus is rejected because people are jealous of the power that is required to give up to follow Him. So, Christians should display humility and submission giving a living example for others to see. Power is addictive and all people are addicted to the power they have over their own choices and life control. Jesus commands total surrender and many people are unwilling to give up control.
2. Jesus is rejected because people are easily persuaded to follow other life choices. So, Christians should stand strong in the face of pressure. The latest fad or newest excitement often entices people to follow. Jesus demands perseverance in the faith.
3. Jesus is rejected because people desire to please those around them. So, Christians should be willing to be offensive. Many who do not follow Jesus yet would say that Christians are offensive but the truth of the Christian message is what is offensive to people. The good news of Jesus is offensive because it requires people to admit their faults and admit they can not do anything to make their life right.
4. Jesus is rejected because of peer pressure. So, Christians should be willing to go alone. Following the crowd is easy and very common. Taking the narrow road is difficult, courageous, and the Christian way.
5. Ultimately, Jesus is rejected because people reject truth. So, Christians must know and reveal the Truth. Today many people would say that truth is not rejected because truth can not be known. This concept is not new. When Jesus faced the Roman governor Pilate, Pilate asked, "What is truth?" Truth was standing before him in the person of Jesus and Pilate did not know truth. Today people need to know that there is a concept of ultimate truth. That truth is revealed in the person of Jesus, discovered in the pages of the Bible, and displayed in the lives of Christians.